Earth Water Solutions - water purification systems

Earth Water


Ours does what theirs does – for a lot, lot less!

Industry Terms (demistified!)

Water Softener

Water softening is primarily the removal of calcium from the water. It protects water using appliances and fixtures, and reduces the use of up to 70% of soaps and detergents. Water softeners use salt to remove calcium.

Non-Salt / Salt-Free Systems

Non-Salt/Salt Free water systems do not use ion exchange to remove the hardness minerals like salt-based water softeners do. Instead, the water is processed through a catalytic media using a physical process called Template Assisted Crystallization (TAC). The minerals’ form is changed to a hardness crystal that does not adhere to surfaces. These systems do not actually “soften” the water, they simply condition it. And because these types of systems do not capture any materials, there is no need for a cleaning cycle to remove trapped components.


A Whole House water filter, also referred to as a point-of-entry tap, is a system installed where your main water line enters your home. It can help reduce contaminants such as chlorine, iron, sulfur and more from your water. Whole house water filters bring cleaner water to every tap in your home typically using carbon filtration.

Magnetic Water Softening

These home water softeners are not as efficient as some of the other options available because water must pass within range of the magnetic coils embedded in the sides of the filter to be softened. There is little scientific evidence to suggest that magnetic water softeners are effective at softening water.

Green/Eco Friendly Water Softener Advantages

The sophistication of salt-based water softeners “Green/Eco Friendly” on the market today make them the best performing choice. Most systems are highly efficient and allow you to reuse and recycle up to 30% of your salt, while using 50% less salt than their older counterparts. Ion exchange softeners also reduce soaps/detergents (chemicals) use up to 70%.

Because salt-based water softeners actually remove the hardness causing minerals from the water, they outperform the salt-free systems. All of the advantages of softened water are present in a salt-based system: no scaling on fixtures or appliances, bright and hydrated hair and skin, spot-free dishes, bright and soft clothes, and less soap use across the home. Other long term benefits include more efficient and longer-lasting appliances as well as less repairs and plumbing maintenance.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a water treatment process that removes contaminants from water by using pressure to force water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. During this process, the contaminants are filtered out and flushed away, leaving clean, delicious drinking water.

TAC’s (Filtersorb, Next, ScaleNet)

Salt-Free water conditioning in the form of an Anti-Scale System uses a process method called Template Assisted Crystallisation (TAC) this process is where hardness minerals found within hard water is transformed into harmless, inactive microscopic crystal particles. Used in Non-Salt/Alternative water filtration systems. Typically replace every 3-5 years.

SP3 Filtersorb

This is a directed crystallization process where continuous catalytic conversion of Carbonate water hardness into nonsoluble sub-micron crystals takes place. Used in Non-Salt water filtration systems. Useable effectiveness 3-5 years.

Carbon (GAC/Block)

GAC’s/Carbon block filters remove contaminants depends on the filter micron rating of the filter. A variety of contaminants can be effectively reduced or removed, including VOCs, THMs, mercury, chlorine, and more. Some carbon block filters rated at one micron or less are certified to remove lead, iron, arsenic, cysts, and coliform bacteria.

KDF 55

KDF 55 Media can remove up to 99% of water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium, and other dissolved metals. KDF Process Media forms are effective in controlling the buildup of bacteria, algae, fungi and scale, making them ideal for use in GAC beds, ion exchange resins, carbon block filters and inline carbon filters. KDF 55 Medium Designed specifically for removing or reducing chlorine and water-soluble heavy metals. It controls scale, bacteria and algae, even in hot water.